
Information & Tips On Managing Your Finances

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Planning for Retirement - Finance Advisor - Point B Planning

Planning for Retirement

Planning for retirement and government support When planning for retirement, the government can be a great form of support. In Australia, we support our older

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How to Access Your Super - Melbourne - Point B Planning

How to Access Your Super

How to access your superannuation Key takeaways: When can I access my super How can I access part of my super How can I access

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What is a Self-Funded Retiree - Australia - Point B Planning

What is a Self-Funded Retiree

What is a self-funded retiree and how to retire on your own Key takeaways: Maximum income from government support Assets to invest in when building

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Bull vs Bear Markets - Australian ASX - Point B Planning

Bull vs Bear Markets

Bull vs Bear Markets – Looking back 42 years 2 min read Key takeaways What is a bull market What is a bear market Performance

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Superannuation Taxation - Australia - Point B Planning

Superannuation Taxation

Superannuation taxation – how is super taxed Key takeaways:  What is the taxation treatment within the superannuation funds? Before we discuss taxation of superfunds, we need

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Home Equity for Retirement - Point B Planning

Home Equity for Retirement

Home equity – uncommon ways to fund your retirement Key takeaways: What is a reverse mortgage What is the Pension Loan Scheme (PLS) 3-minute read

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Recent Changes to Superannuation - Point B Planning

Recent Changes to Superannuation

Recent changes to superannuation Key takeaways: Increased contribution limits from $25,000 per year to $27,500 per a year Market exposure and volatility Saving for a

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