
Benefits of a Financial Planner

Benefits of a Financial Planner
Financial Planning
Benefits of a Financial Planner - Point B Planning

The importance of planning a head – benefits of working with a financial planner

2 Min read

Most people have a general idea of what needs to be done. Save more money, clear down debt and add a bit to super for their retirement. No matter how hard they google, read the Barefoot Investor, and speak to their friends, the results in most cases are the same. The person is more confused due to being overloaded with information and can make the wrong decision or take no action at all.

Most people believe they need to have all their finances sorted before speaking to a planner. That would be the same as saying “I need to get really fit before I go to the gym” After all, you cannot just show up tomorrow and admit you don’t even know which super fund you are with, can you? Well, yes you can.

The good news is that speaking to an adviser is quite easy with most financial planners offering an obligation-free first appointment. You will get to know them, have a chat in person, on the phone, or by video conference and discuss what’s important to you and what it is you are trying to achieve.

By speaking to a planner, you can then create a personalised tailored road map towards achieving your financial goals, helping you navigate the important financial decisions in life and avoid making costly mistakes. Ultimately, the objective is to provide you with peace of mind.

You don’t need a multimillion-dollar bank account balance to benefit from seeing a financial planner. Anyone, young or old, married, or single, rich or not so rich, can benefit from financial advice.

A financial planner can help you set financial goals, manage your debt, create a plan to support your family, start investing to create wealth, maximise your super, plan for retirement, and in short, create the best financial version of yourself.

And if you think you can’t afford to see a financial planner, think again. There are several ways you can pay for a financial plan: most are fee-based, while others don’t require out-of-pocket payment.

So the question is not necessarily whether you can afford to consult with a financial planner or whether you have the time to see one.

The real question is whether you can afford not to see a financial planner.

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